
He ran back down the stairs with the map 21 ___ his hand. He was very excited now and sped into his room to find what he was sure would be a wonderful surprise. As he opene...

▷At the end of a long, stressful day, all I want to do is go home and zone out in front of the television. 经过漫长的压力山大的一天,我现在只想回家坐在电视机前发呆。 ►in t...

you will be spending a lot of time trying new things and figuring out what you’re good at and what you like. Don’t be afraid to try new things and fail at them; failing b...

10月7日,张艺兴于生日当天率先发布新专辑抢听曲《what U need》并横扫海外榜单,节奏动感旋律多变的solo单曲一经发布引爆全球,大批海外迷妹迷弟争先自录观看MV视频,引发广大粉丝强烈共鸣。日前,张艺兴工作室发布海外迷妹迷弟“神reaction”混剪合辑,魔性片段走红网络。...

29日,张艺兴工作室首度公开solo专辑筹备进展,曝光了一张专辑MV拍摄的花絮照,宣布将于10月7日张艺兴生日将公布抢听曲《what U need》,作为回馈粉丝对solo专辑期待和支持的福利。

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